This consultation is now closed.
The results of the consultation are as follows:
Total votes cast: 260
Option 1: Plan for limited housing growth - 222 votes
Option 2: Plan for more housing, accompanied by village hall - 32 votes
Spoiled ballots - 6
Consultation July 2021
The Parish Council is keen to clarify the options available and - most importantly - to understand how they are perceived by the local community.
Adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan once finalised, will ultimately depend on a local referendum, so majority support for any proposals in it is crucial.
Any information that you provide as part of this consultation will be used to decide how to advance the Neighbourhood Plan, but there will be further opportunities to make comment, and for these to be incorporated before it is finalised.
The following leaflet will be distributed with the July STAR magazine
Ranskill Neighbourhood Plan Consultation leaflet - July 2021.pdf
This leaflet outlines the two options under consideration and explains the wider context that they sit within, as well as providing details of drop in sessions (providing the opportunity to discuss the options with the Parish Council and officers of Bassetlaw District Council), how to get involved and voting slips.
If you have not received a leaflet and are unable to access it via the link above then please contact the Clerk via email to get your copy. E: